The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Embracing The Light

    2021-09-11 17:45:21 UTC
    Once the Sun comes out to play, I am heading out. Living in London means embracing these moments because the weather can change in a heart beat. All the seasons in one day. Carp Diem So I did. X Pro 2 paired with the wonderful Fujicron XF23mm F2. Dream Team…

  2. My Life

    2021-09-11 13:54:14 UTC
    I am greatfull to my father for planting the seed of photography within me. When I look at my old photographs, this was the moment when painting with light became a possibility. Over the last year, all of my images have come from me documenting my neighbourhood. This is fine…

  3. Observational Photography

    2021-09-10 19:30:20 UTC
    I started this project unconsciously. One image. A singular moment. A story and narrative that is feature rich in context and meaning. My neughbourhood High speed broadband upgrade. Who cares? I don’t. Doesn’t mean we are any closer connected. The world has gone mad.

  4. Spot The Difference

    2021-08-25 10:07:40 UTC
    Spot Metering. It has taken me this long to understand it. I can’t explain why it confused me. The technical language behind its functionality is probably the cause of my co fusion. Once I grasp a concept, I practice like there’s no tomorrow, just to lock it in my mind…

  5. Embracing The Light

    2021-08-24 08:48:04 UTC
    My Mother is my Alarm Clock. 05:00 am. She is up. No point negotiating about going back to bed. Broken Sleep Pattern. Grumpy start to the day. Dementia doesn’t care. I shower, get ready and head to the bakery. The morning Light reminds me everything is ok. Life continues because…

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