The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Repitition

    2019-03-26 12:18:42 UTC
    I think it is Important to create images of the same subject all the time. While the subject matter may be the same, it is still a different image and creation. The image at the very top was created on my X100T, the second image below on my Canon A1…

  2. Gratitude, Love and Creating a new context for Life

    2019-03-26 11:41:00 UTC
    My Neighborhood is undergoing some serious regeneration. For the last year it has been a mess. My life has been chaotic with personal challenges. I see this as a sign for a personal inventory of my Heart, Mind and Spirit. The time has come to let go of things that…

  3. Consolidation - Pathway To Excellence

    2019-03-25 23:13:52 UTC
    As a Professional Magician, I practice my Act daily. Yes, the routines I consider I do well receive a daily tune up. This ritual has carried over into my image creation. It’s a must do, that I create at the very least, one image per day. This means my camera…

  4. Reframing My Vision

    2019-03-24 18:26:18 UTC
    As a graduate of Landmark Education, one of the most critical distinctions taught was the value of “commitment without attachment”. This means doing what needs to be done without being attached to the outcome. As a magician and image creator, I am committed to telling compelling stories through magic and…

  5. X100T With The WCL

    2019-03-22 22:59:37 UTC
    I have been enjoying shooting at 18mm on my 18-135mm Lens. So much so, I have been researching the XF 18mm F2. It’s a gorgeous looking Lens. It reminds me of another favourite of mine, The XF 27mm F2. They both look like a Pancake and yet deliver outstanding quality. …

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