The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. The X-Systen | Fast or Slow ?

    2022-02-07 19:01:07 UTC
    Today was a first in my X-System Journey. I felt like testing the XF 18-135mm F3.5 - 5.6 Look at that maximum and minimum Aperture - this Lens is a fantastic all in one versatile optical piece of magic. Take a look at this collection of XF Lens; these are…

  2. The X-System | Searching

    2022-02-05 00:25:24 UTC
    X-Pro 1 + The XF 27mm F2.8. A surprisingly effective combination. This formed my walk about kit today. My afternoon walks are simply to breath, clear my mind, and not think about anything. My walks are about stillness. Peace. Equanimity. I am searching without an agenda. For what? I can’t…

  3. The X-System - A Fluid Ecosystem

    2022-02-01 22:26:47 UTC
    The image above was created with The X 100F. That tiny Camera functioned perfectly in low light. The X-System simply works and all of the Lens work perfectly on any X Camera you may have. I create images everyday. I change my Lens depending on how I feel. Of late…

  4. X-System Colour Profile

    2022-01-29 20:59:31 UTC
    It’s all about Colour for my vision. I am attracted to Primary Colours. The X-System has given us so much Film Simulation Profiles. It has taken me a while to get a feel for which I like the most. To be honest, I like all of them. To be even…

  5. The X-System

    2022-01-26 22:50:07 UTC
    I started with Nikon - The D90. I loved that Camera. Just as I was getting familiar with it, stupidly, I traded it in for the D750. I vowed I would not be sucked in by hype again. Personally, I don’t care about Full Frame or Crop Sensor for that…

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