The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 2020 Vision | A Tourist In My Own Country

    2020-04-26 13:25:52 UTC
    Traveling to an exotic location is out of the question right now. Mum keeps asking me, “let’s go home to St.Lucia”. With Airports closed and the whole country in Lockdown, this means zero opportunity to experience a different culture. What’s an Image Creator to do? Dam it… Well, I thought…

  2. 2020 Vision | The Fuji XF 10-24mm F4

    2020-04-25 20:11:59 UTC
    Learning how my Lens sees has become a very important part of my photographic education. I regularly change Lens; one day it’s 35mm and another day I may shoot using my 90mm. I have read many comments about sticking with one Lens for a long period of time. This makes…

  3. 2020 Vision | Observation & Connections

    2020-04-25 15:22:13 UTC
    Creating images is much more than manipulating a fancy camera. Some days, I walk and come home having created a few images that just don’t inspire me. This bothered me for a while. I realised that walking and snapping away at anything and everything just wasn’t Photography. Photography is all…

  4. 2020 Vision | A Rich Blessing

    2020-04-24 15:17:33 UTC
    My day starts early; 06:00 am. I get myself ready to support my Mother. Her Carer arrives after 10:00 am to provide additional support which is wonderful and gives me a little respite. My life is about my Mothers well being now. My life as I knew it died once…

  5. 2020 Vision | A Return To Love

    2020-04-23 17:41:49 UTC
    Consider for a moment how generous Mother Nature has been. Her spirit of generosity has been consistent since the very beginning. Long before we showed up, she worked tirelessly to create an environment that would sustain life on Earth. Earth, our home, is a miracle of creation. I am convinced…

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