The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. FV | Detail

    2023-01-03 20:38:41 UTC
    Fresh Vision and Detail go hand in hand. Something catches my eye snd Shazam, my investigation begins. The image above is a case in point. “FROM NOTHING TO SOMETHING” Every creative act begins with a blank canvass. From Nothings; Let there be Light To Something; the creation of our universe…

  2. FV | Responding to Life

    2023-01-02 23:31:04 UTC
    Welcomd to Fresh Vision. This is just a context to create new and exciting images from. Fresh Vision is about seeing and feeling deeply. There is a deeper narrative I am opening myself up to. It’s all in the details that catch my eye. It’s a fearless and charismatic approach…

  3. A Fresh Vision

    2023-01-02 18:38:00 UTC
    Welcome 2023. It was a quiet start to the new year for me. I experienced my self feeling very flat and jaded. I decided to stay home to see the new year in. My intuition told me to protect my energy. My neighbourhood felt energising today. I felt happy creating…

  4. 2023 | Uncertainty; New Possibilities

    2023-01-01 21:40:26 UTC
    Out with the old, in with the new. Nature reminds me to just glow with life.

  5. Walking My Own Path

    2022-12-30 23:29:40 UTC
    I am walking my own path now. I am an Orphan now, albeit a 58 year old Orphan. Is it any different compared to losing both parents at a young age? James Bond and Bruce Wayne both had to contend with facing the world alone at a young age. Creating…

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