The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Training My Vision

    2022-10-27 13:22:14 UTC
    Learning the vision of a Wide Angle Lens has become a very important part of my Photographic development. Zoom Lens and Telephoto optics are great when required; subject matter dictates their best expression. The Wide Angle is a beautiful expressive Lens for telling stories. I have documented many times how…

  2. Its All White

    2022-10-27 07:54:29 UTC
    This is how it began. I didn’t set out with this theme in mind; the lady above in white caught my attention. And then… My visual radar switched on and it became treat of seeing the colour white expressed in full fashion glory. Once I connected with it, I decided…

  3. Captain Tintanic

    2022-10-13 11:55:31 UTC
    One of my great joys in life are the unexpected encounters I have meeting people. This is why I NEVER, leave home without my camera. I saw “Captain Tintanic”, aka Major Mick Stanley at Little Venice yesterday. What caught my eye was the colour of his Union Jack costume. I…

  4. Searching for Beauty

    2022-10-11 12:53:48 UTC
    Searching for Beauty is inspired by Saul Leiter. The quest to find beauty in the everyday moments of life is of great interest to me. The things I see everyday is my reason to feel joyful and hopeful. I believe gratitude is at the source of this exploration. Nature reveals…

  5. Taken by a Moment

    2022-10-08 00:04:55 UTC
    To be taken by a moment is to allow the magic of life to touch your heart. I keep myself open to this possibility. To be see something different. Unusual. Disturbing. Joyful. This keeps my sense of wonder alive. The Light makes it all possible. “I don't have to chase…

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