The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Light Source and The X System Part One

    2018-08-09 20:09:42 UTC
    When I first invested in my Flash, I was intimidated beyond measure. I did not have a clue. The manual might as well have been about quantum physics let alone an independent light source. I gave up in sheer frustration. Two saviours came to my rescue. Bryan Peterson and Neil…

  2. Slowing Down

    2018-08-06 22:00:53 UTC
    I discovered recently how lazy my photography had become. It was quite a subtle realisation. It all occurred when I purchased on eBay The Canon A1. The Canon A1 is a throw back to a time when Analogue 35mm Film Photography was the only game in town. The ISO of…

  3. The Noritsu S1 -11

    2018-07-31 23:25:51 UTC
    The image above is a piece of twenty year old technology. It is an incredible example of engineering that I saw today in full operation. All me to back track for a moment. This is Hanif. He is part of the photographic team at Kodak Express on Kilburn High Road.…

  4. Fuji 27mm F2.8

    2018-07-30 12:42:44 UTC
    This is a truly amazing Len. It’s small size really undermines its power and versatility. Yes, you read that right, this Pancake Lens offers a field of view slightly wider than 50mm and it is perfect without being too Wide Angle, if you know what I mean. The form factor…

  5. Happiness

    2018-07-24 23:46:50 UTC
    Happiness is an elusive concept. Elusive because we can spend our live looking in the wrong place for it. Happiness is not something bought for, bargained for, or traded for, no. Happiness is a special place to come from. A friend of mine once said, “we were born happy, our…

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