The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Time of Day

    2021-11-17 19:30:29 UTC
    This morning the Light was gorgeous.The clouds in the sky were wispy thin and the colour blue was beautiful. I created these two images one after the other about 200 metres apart on the same side of the road. The quality and direction of Light was so enchanting, glowing, warm…

  2. My Photography

    2021-11-15 21:47:19 UTC
    I don’t consider myself a Landscape Photographer.My goal has been very clear from the start. To master my Camera to a high standard of technical proficiency. It meant if I could achieve that, I could create an image of any subject that was of interest to me. And I mean…

  3. Saving Daylight

    2021-11-14 21:59:39 UTC
    I am so glad I embraced creating images at night. When the clocks go back 1 hour, it will be late afternoon. Every year we have this. Daylight saving hours. To be honest, I don’t see the point. I find it very disruptive to my sleep pattern.This time of day…

  4. Santas Helpers

    2021-11-14 20:12:07 UTC
    The Pines and Needles Team are arriving. So far, I have met Julienne about and Luke below. The sales of Tree are happening. The Trees look lovely, especially when photographed at night. It’s a slow start. It’s gathering momentum. To be continued. Thanks for reading

  5. The Trees are Here

    2021-11-12 16:29:33 UTC
    They move very quickly.I just popped out and there they were…..Trees.Lots of them.All neatly lined up like Soldiers on parade. It was very exciting because I saw the workmen off loading the Trees from the Truck on the side road. The made a long journey from Scotland.They are here. I…

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