The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 30 Day Challenge Day 9: Empty

    2021-02-15 19:27:45 UTC
    Snow covered streets. COVID Pandemic. Emptibess Aloness. Isolation Distance This is life in 2021

  2. 30 Day Challenge Day 8:Owning The Streets

    2021-02-11 22:58:07 UTC
    I own the streets now. The streets belong to me and my vision. I was greatly inspired by Joel Meyerowitz’s online class. He was very encouraging about being fearless, taking the shot. So what if you are spotted, smile and be charming. Dam. He is right. I see. I feel.…

  3. 30 Day Challenge Day 7: Seeing Deeper

    2021-02-10 22:26:15 UTC
    Every morning when I wake up, I give thanks for the rich blessing of another day. Even more so with Mum. While being a Carer is full of unexpected challenges, I am greatful I can see her, hold her hand, look into her eyes and see the women who was…

  4. 30 Day Challenge Day 6 : Reminder

    2021-02-08 23:35:05 UTC
    Nature always reminds us. All the answers we need are right in Nature. This is where we plug inane recharge. The best time is quiet time. Silence. Solitude. Serenity. & Peace… X

  5. 30 Day Challenge Day 5: Contemplation

    2021-02-06 22:52:05 UTC
    This project is slowing me down. The rhythm of life doesn’t rush. Stop. Look. Feel. Listen. A thousand stories in one moment.

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