The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. The Game of Life

    2017-05-03 19:03:36 UTC
    This Blog Post is dedicated to my friend Julian, a 9 year old Chess prodigy. Chess is a fascinating game. It could almost be the the game of life, in a none threatening context. And yet, it is full of implications and outcomes so closely related to the study of…

  2. Life on the Edge

    2017-05-03 18:07:42 UTC
    We come into this world empty. Full of possibility. Pure potential. No Fear. Since I started learning about Photography, I knew that I wanted to photograph people from all walks of life. I was surprised how confronting it was to asks  complete stranger that I found interesting, “can I take

  3. Selfridges Beauties

    2017-05-02 20:30:47 UTC
    It was a lovely day last Saturday The Sun on Oxford Circus was beautiful, the light was perfect. I was walking down Oxford Street with my friends Aljaz and Petra enjoying the Buskers. I was shooting away and caught sight of these two lovely ladies outside Selfridges. I went into…

  4. Making Connections

    2017-05-02 20:24:21 UTC
    My personality as a Street Photographer is all about making connections with people - this comes from my work as a professional magician. I can’t help it, it is who I am.  Without connections, who are we? I walk about with a smile on my face, camera at the ready.…

  5. Sheer Madness

    2017-05-02 20:03:19 UTC
    What is wrong with people? Drivers are now held accountable for using their phones while driving, What about Cyclist? The number of road tragedies concerning Cyclist has risen. It is likely to rise even further if this moment is anything to go by. The people across the road seem to…

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