The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 2020 Vision | Oxford Street Lockdown

    2020-05-04 12:22:00 UTC
    I needed to get out and walk. Oxford Street called me. Empty Carriage. Spooky Tunnels. Not a soul in sight. This is the first time I have walked through this station without bumping into anyone. The light at the end of the Tunnel led me to a place I had…

  2. 2020 Vision | Walking Meditation

    2020-05-03 12:39:19 UTC
    Yesterday was a tough day. Mums Dementia played havoc for both of us. I did manage a quick Portrait of her before it all kicked off and drove me mad with exhaustion. I had no opportunity to leave the house yesterday to go for my one hour walk. So I…

  3. 2020 Vision | The Visual Vocabulary

    2020-05-03 08:20:49 UTC
    The vision of my Lenses is my visual vocabulary. This has been the most critical aspect of my Photographic Education to date. Understanding the visual behaviour of my Lenses and implementing that visual vocabulary into my internal visual database has transformed how I see. You could say, my Brain and…

  4. 2020 Vision | Clouds

    2020-05-02 15:03:24 UTC
    Clouds, ever present in our sky. Character, shape, texture and fluffy personality, that’s clouds for you. I never consider Clouds as a subject, I do now because I see so much in them. Plenty of detail and expression. I am sure no moments will produce the exact same expression. The…

  5. 2020 Vision | Quiet Dignity

    2020-05-01 21:15:32 UTC
    I just felt the need to share a few thoughts about this moment. Using my XF18mm F2 Lens, it gave me a lovely perspective that I normally see with eyes. This means what you see in this image is a beautiful real time moment as I experienced it. What does…

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