The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Multiple Layers of Learning

    2018-07-21 14:23:46 UTC
    One of the great missions in life is the creation of meaning. Viktor Frankle wrote a book about this. My life has seen me ebb and flow between searching, experiencing frustration, feeling at peace and joyful on this path toward fulfilment. I am constantly enquiringly into the purpose and meaning…

  2. When The Old Becomes New Again

    2018-07-20 01:37:46 UTC
    This image was created five years ago on my Canon EOS 500n. It is quite ironic looking at this image now. Back then, while I was interested in Photography, it did not full land me how significant shooting on film would be for me. I have fully embraced creating images…

  3. Back To The Future

    2018-07-18 19:42:36 UTC
    The image above was created today using, my iPhone and edited on my phone using Snapseed. I find this interesting; technology has moved on since I first purchased The Canon EOS 500N. I have a lot of print photographs. In fact, It took amazing photographs, I remember taking to South…

  4. Hookers & Junkies

    2018-07-17 17:56:18 UTC
    This moment really got my attention. What’s your addiction?We all have an addiction of some kind or another. We have all compromised ourselves at some point in our lives. A woman can sell her body.A junkie can shoot up.An alcoholic can binge.A business man can neglect his family chasing the…

  5. 35mm Film

    2018-07-16 23:04:24 UTC
    This blog story is rather unusual for me as a Fuji Shooter. Long before my Fuji make over, I shot an entire week using just my old Canon 35mm Film Camera - what an adventure that was. This was five years ago, how do I know? That’s how long the…

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