The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Humanism | All The Worlds a Stage

    2022-11-28 19:09:18 UTC
    This famous qoute by William Shakespear sums up Humanism in Photography for me. “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts” On the stage of life, we play many roles.…

  2. Humanism | Relationships

    2022-11-27 21:35:33 UTC
    At the heart of the human condition is the desire for significance.Significance is one of the most critical human needs. Tony Robbins puts this human need at number 3 after Certainty and Variety.Our relationships with each other is a fertile ground to explore the depth of our capacity to love…

  3. Humanism | Love & Compassion

    2022-11-21 00:34:22 UTC
    Love & Compassion is the great message right now. I have been looking after my mother since mid 2019. It has been the most difficult period of my life. This experience has taught me all about love, compassion, service and humility. To love, be loved and demonstrate love is part…

  4. Humanism | The Individual Revolution

    2022-11-17 15:40:21 UTC
    Humans have survived 1000s of years of one revolution after another. The most profound revolution was the ability to stand up and walk freely. This meant survival, growth and expansion for The Human Being. The Industrial Revolution meant The Human Being could express himself or herself through the context of…

  5. Humanism | Emotion, Expression & Gesture

    2022-11-15 13:10:15 UTC
    Humanism comes alive through the unbridled self-expression of the human being. There is something compelling about humans which forces other humans to stand, stare, watch……..and photograph. Whether we like it or not, we are all connected through this narrative called being human. Our expression is as unique as our finger…

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