The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Open & Receptive

    2022-07-12 17:49:10 UTC
    I didn’t set out with the Colour Yellow in mind today. Today became an expression of Colour and Vivid connections. I was taken aback by how much this Colour was on display today. It was like life saying to me, “be happy” - its all going to be ok. Life…

  2. Painting with Light

    2022-07-12 11:33:25 UTC
    The beauty of The Mirrorless System is being able to fine tune my exposure - “paint with light” - before I create the image. I can see with precision where the light is falling, and see the contrast detail and most importantly, expose for my highlights correctly. Shooting into the…

  3. Late Night Visuals | Faceless Beauty

    2022-07-08 20:55:58 UTC
    I saw her from across the street. This was a scene I didn’t want to disturb.The colour of her hat and dress caught my attention.I didn’t need to see her face.I felt her beauty. How we feel in the moment is the true measure of appreciation and celebration of beauty.…

  4. Daily Vision | Sunny 16

    2022-07-08 12:09:12 UTC
    I don’t think I will ever experience boredom with my photography. There is far too much to learn and process. Being a Professional Magician is no different. Every show reveals to me aspects of my ignorance and gaps in my database of knowledge. I have been practicing The Sunny 16…

  5. Daily Vision

    2022-07-07 12:02:24 UTC
    At the bare minimum, I must create one image per day. My mentor Bryan Peterson is always saying, “you keep shooting”. This means keep practicing; don’t let a moment to create an image pass you by. For me, this has become wired into my nervous system. I don’t leave home…

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