The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. 35mm | Self Discovery

    2022-08-03 08:26:05 UTC
    I am am still on this journey of uncovering my Photographic Identity. Joel Meyerowitz brought this to my attention on his online course with Masters of Photography. Identity, Subject, Self Expression, Hunter, Observer, Candid, Spray & Pray, its a long list of approaches. Who am I in all this? My…

  2. 35mm CF| Framing

    2022-08-02 10:20:25 UTC
    The Wide Frame and context of the Classic Frame means more real estate to control. What is left in or cropped out is an important consideration. I am training myself to see the 35mm subject. I don’t like wasting my pixels - cropping after the fact is like killing my…

  3. 35mm | Old & New

    2022-08-01 07:33:04 UTC
    This apartment building looks like it has seen better days. This is where I played as a boy. People still live here. You cannot ignore the derelict condition. Across the road is a new vision. It looks like a different part of London - a more affluent setting for urban…

  4. 35mm CF | Layers Part 3

    2022-07-31 21:09:23 UTC
    The potential for a deeper narrative is always present. It’s all about being open, receptive and responsive. Seeing in Layers has now become a part of my visual tool box of skills. This is a beautiful way to add visual interest. I realised this storytelling technique is something I have…

  5. 35mm CF | Layers Part 2

    2022-07-31 12:56:05 UTC
    From the moment I got off the Bus, I started to see it; multiple subjects and stories. It has always been there - I have always seen it. What’s interesting is I was not aware of this context; Shooting in Layers. My Camera is set to give me good depth…

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