The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Top of The Morning

    2019-01-22 20:35:31 UTC
    There I are some things in this world that defy explanation. This goes beyond all logic and heartfelt emotional confusion we humans experience on Planet Earth. I just woke up and saw this. I grabbed my camera my XT1 and paired it with the Fuji 55-200mm. That’s my longest reach…

  2. Inspired Moments

    2019-01-04 12:40:47 UTC
    There are images waiting to be created everywhere. This was staring me in the face. What did I see? I saw the reason for Colour. Light. A single Flame, a Candle, a Red Bowl. The colourful ambience of the Thai Restaurant I was in. Most importantly, my XPro2 was by…

  3. 3rd Day 2019

    2019-01-03 17:45:13 UTC
    Just finished a meeting with a friend at Church. Created this image. A Marble Statue of Jesus. I love it. I love Jesus. Out stretched arms, baring his wounds. It speaks to me - all is well, come to me. A beautiful invitation. To come and rest. Symbolic. On the…

  4. Creative Act

    2018-12-26 22:44:24 UTC
    Sometimes, I just need to create an image just to see what it will look like. It begins with seeing. What I see may inspire me or not. If it does, then I check in with my feelings about what I see. It only takes a second, yes, it’s that…

  5. Constant Improvement

    2018-12-26 13:20:30 UTC
    I have had problems with my eyes since birth. Short sighted. Coates Disease since on my left eye along with numerous operations. I had an awakening with my photography and field of view. I am right eye dominant which means I do not see the way most people do who…

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